Monday, May 17, 2010

Customize Your Desktop - ObjectDock

Looking for a quick/fun way to add your shortcuts on your desktop, ObjectDock is a great choice.

You can download the ObjectDock from the website

Even the free version can save you a lot of time and making your desktop looks nice.

SQL - Insert Multiple Records into one tables at one time

How are you going to insert multiple records into a table at one time?

Here is the code you can do that:

Insert into Table
(Column1, Column2, Column3)

select Value01, Value02, Value03
Union ALL

select Value11, Value12, Value13
Union ALL

select Value21, Value22, Value23

It works and save time by avoiding multiple insert scripts.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Coordinate coversion

If you have some knowledge about geography, you my be familiar with different projection system. The projection system will display earth surface on the flat paper. Sometimes you may need to convert coordinates into different projection system. You can do this with GIS software. But you want to do it online, there is website for this task.

It is:

Earth Point

I found the coordinates conversion features very useful.